Zendesk: change the default priority names
- could be very old (up to 15 years!)
- could not be accurate anymore
- could not represent the views of the author anymore
- could be in le French
When we defined the Mondial Telecom SLA, we decided to use our own priority names instead of the usual high & normal ones. Don’t ask why 🙂
The Problem
There is no way to edit the default Zendesk priority names. Which makes sense since you can simply create custom fields and disable the default ones. However the issue I had with that is firstly the way GoodData handles custom field metrics. With a system drop down menu, in GoodData you have a neat report. Custom fields are supported but the way they are displayed in GoodData is less powerful.

The other issue is that we used our Zendesk for some time with the default priorities names. Changing suddenly in the middle of the process to custom drop down menus would have messed all that.
The solution
jQuery comes to help! With a tiny JS snippet (to enable via Manage> Extensions in your Zendesk) you can easily change the priority names in the ticket creation view and the tickets views. I skipped the macros & triggers for now. So now we have the best of both worlds: custom priority names & awesome metrics in GoodData reports.
Please note that it’s actually Skip Moore from Zendesk who published the code to change the names in the ticket creation view on his GitHub account.

The code
/* Original code from Skip Moore of Zendesk - https://github.com/skipjac/zendesk-widgets */ $j('#ticket_priority_id option[value=1]').text('G3'); $j('#ticket_priority_id option[value=2]').text('G2'); $j('#ticket_priority_id option[value=3]').text('G1'); $j('#ticket_priority_id option[value=4]').text('G0'); /* Added this to display the correct priority name in the Views */ /* Update 16082012 - added the class to avoid breaking your CSS customization */ $j('span.priority_normal').replaceWith('G2'); $j('span.priority_low').replaceWith('G3'); $j('span.priority_high').replaceWith('G1'); $j('span.priority_urgent').replaceWith('G0'); /* Update 19082013 - added the changes to the "view your existing request" interface */ $j("#widget_fixed.draggable div.side-box-content p:contains('Low')").replaceWith('NEW NAME'); $j("#widget_fixed.draggable div.side-box-content p:contains('Normal')").replaceWith('NEW NAME'); $j("#widget_fixed.draggable div.side-box-content p:contains('High')").replaceWith('NEW NAME'); $j("#widget_fixed.draggable div.side-box-content p:contains('Urgent')").replaceWith('NEW NAME');
It’s available here.