Category: Personal

Stuff that’s directly related to me, me, me.

From Zendesk, to a smaller desk

From Zendesk, to a smaller desk

In September 2016, coming back from yet another week in Switzerland where I lived during my youth, I realised that I missed the country a lot. I missed skiing. I missed sailing. It started to annoy me to sometimes have to commute for up to 1 hour to grab a pint with a friend in…

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C’est la fin des haricots

C’est la fin des haricots

Toutes les bonnes choses ont une fin et, vu mon manque de temps libre dernièrement, je pense que ce blog va plutôt se transformer en archives d’articles. Tout reste toutefois accessible et, on ne sait jamais, je pourrais peut-être reprendre la plume un de ces jours…