Use single sign-on to customise end-user content
- could be very old (up to 15 years!)
- could not be accurate anymore
- could not represent the views of the author anymore
- could be in le French
In support, and especially B2B support, it’s fairly common to restrict specific content in your Knowledge Base and/or your contact form depending on who’s currently connected to your Zendesk.
For example, when supporting multiple companies, you don’t want Company A to see Company B’s Knowledge Base articles. Company C might be the only one allowed to see a specific ticket form. Or, perhaps, Company D would like a specific email template. Every company has different customizations and you need to stay on top of them all.
In this tip, posted in the Zendesk Help Centre, I’ll show you how you can easily automate a customisation process using single sign-on (SSO).
We’ll do this in 4 sections:
Setting up a JSON Web Token to enable Sigle sign-On
Creating a restricted Knowledge Base
Customising the Help Centre theme to hide/show ticket forms
Customising the emails being sent to your end-users based on the organisation